Jean Paul Gaultier, a French fashion designer, is renowned for his iconoclastic collections that redefined social norms and celebrated androgyny. His designs, prominent from the late 20th and early 21st centuries, uniquely blended street styles with haute couture, juxtaposing seemingly contradictory cultural symbols. He began his career with an apprenticeship under Pierre Cardin, after showing early promise as a child creating clothing for his family. Gaultier established his own label in 1976, debuting his first women's collection. His distinctive style, characterized by broad-shouldered jackets, textured stockings, trench coats, baggy pants, and horizontally striped sailor shirts, consistently challenged conventional gender roles and amplified sexuality. Notable collaborations with Madonna and other pop stars further solidified his influence. He expanded his brand to include perfumes and accessories and further cemented his position in the high fashion world with his haute couture collections. Gaultier's work often drew inspiration from diverse sources including astrology, religious symbols, Celtic designs, calligraphy, and tattoos, reflecting a global perspective incorporated into his designs. His career culminated in a major retrospective exhibition showcasing over 35 years of his creative work.

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