Valentino Garavani, an Italian fashion designer, is renowned for his eponymous brand, Valentino. Established in Rome in 1959, the brand quickly gained recognition for its elegant and luxurious designs. Garavani's early career involved apprenticeships with prominent Parisian designers, including Jean Dessès and Guy Laroche, before he ultimately returned to Italy to launch his own haute couture house. Valentino's expertise lies in womenswear, encompassing both haute couture and ready-to-wear collections. He became particularly celebrated for his iconic 'Valentino red' and his sophisticated tailoring. The brand's success grew significantly throughout the 1970s and 80s, boosted by high-profile clients and appearances in popular culture. The Valentino brand, which includes lines such as Valentino Garavani, Valentino Roma, and R.E.D Valentino, eventually expanded globally. Valentino Garavani fully retired from the brand in 2008, leaving a lasting legacy on the fashion world.

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